
Our Mission:
To glorify God and bless others through our worship, witness, and work in the name of Jesus.

Our Beliefs:
God is the loving Creator of all things who made humankind in His own image.

God sent His Son, Jesus, into the world as the way for us to live and love like Him. Jesus died on a cross to bring freedom and forgiveness that we might be called children of God. The Holy Spirit who raised Jesus to life again is our hope for new life on earth, and in heaven.

We are called to know Jesus and make Him known through the leading and power of the Holy Spirit, growing God’s Kingdom in love for the world.

Our Story:
We are part of the Lindsay-Peterborough Presbytery in the Presbyterian Church in Canada, a denomination whose “roots…are Scottish…but our Canadian heritage includes the work and witness of French Huguenots (Protestant) settlers who came to Canada in the 1600s.”

RHS: St. John’s in 1910 (Source: Toronto Public Library).

Presbyterians have been serving the Scugog area for over 160 years. St. John’s Presbyterian Church held its first Sunday service on January 3, 1869 at our current location on Queen Street in Port Perry.

“Today, The Presbyterian Church in Canada has about 1,000 congregations with members coming from many…backgrounds, “many different languages and styles of worship”. Learn more.